How to Eco-Print on Cotton

Eco-printing on cotton can be a bit more fiddly than eco-printing on wool or silk. Cellulose fibres don’t take up plant dyes as easily as protein fibres do. I have spent about 5 years experimenting with how to best prepare cotton and leaves for eco-printing, and am now able to fairly consistently get bright, clear leaf prints.

Learn how to eco-print on cotton

I am delighted to be releasing my ebook, Gum Leaf Alchemy, to share this method with others. The process I have developed works particularly well with eucalyptus leaves, but I have also been getting some good results from experiments with other types of leaves, from both native Australian and introduced plants.

The ebook guides you through each step of the process, from finding and preparing leaves and fabric, to arranging the leaves, rolling bundles and cooking them. Click here to find out more.

3 thoughts on “How to Eco-Print on Cotton”

  1. I have Gumnut sand slightly dried leaves with a smattering of blossoms would dye the branch on cotton or silk
    Thank you.

  2. Hi Louise I’m nuning from Yogya Indonesia… You made very beautifull ecoprint…I Love ecoprint and interesting to make it here…Will you teach me how to make it?’ Thank you

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